
Something Really Wonderful
by Elisa Gabbert & Kathleen Rooney
dancing girl press, 2007
$6.00 (includes S&H)
About the Authors:
Elisa Gabbert holds degrees from Rice University and Emerson College . She currently lives in Boston and is an editor of Absent. Recent work can be found in Pleiades, Meridian,Cannibal, and LIT. Her chapbook, Thanks for Sending the Engine, is available from Kitchen Press. That Tiny Insane Voluptuousness , a book of poems written with Kathleen Rooney, is forthcoming from Otoliths Books.
Kathleen Rooney is a founding editor of Rose Metal Press and the author of Reading With Oprah: the Book Club That Changed America (University of Arkansas Press, 2005) and Live Nude Girl: My Life as an Object (Arkansas, 2009). Recent essays and poems can be found in Gettysburg Review, Another Chicago Magazine, and Quarterly West.
Never make a list of people who you want to die
& never title that list Desiderata—this isn’t a vocab test.
The word monster comes from the Latin to show.
If you don’t believe me, you might have a problem with trust.
Now open your mouth & close your eyes. This won’t
take long. Time is of the essence, since this is a times test.
That time I was almost employee-of-the-month
still haunts me. When my boss said It’s all about trust
here at Trixy’s, I outlined a new life-governing policy
that put me in charge of governing your life. This is no test,
no speed trial. This will be placed in the file marked permanent.
You’re my top student. You’ve studied for this, I trust.